Episode 29

Published on:

22nd Sep 2016

Episode 29 // Of Two Minds (feat. Official NEHS)

This week we talk about how sometimes we need to make the hard choice to change our mind on things, even if it means giving something up that we really care about. We also eat the most disgusting thing we've ever had for Snacktime, Everybody. It made us change our minds about a few things. This episode features special guest EJ Nieves, AKA Offical NEHS.
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About the Podcast

Nerd of Godcast
Christ Culture x Nerd Culture
Geek out and give glory to God, this is where faith and fandom crossover. Tony T and his crew invite you to join them as they laugh, play games and bring gospel truth to the Gamestops and the comic shops. The Nerd of Godcast, where Christ culture and nerd culture come together for some sweet, sweet two player co-op.
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About your hosts

Tony Talavera

Profile picture for Tony Talavera
The pastor of disaster and the leader of this hot mess of ministry

Lismari Valentin

Profile picture for Lismari Valentin
Sometimes sassy, ALWAYS classy.

Alexandria Simon

Profile picture for Alexandria Simon
She's a world traveling pirate princess.

Julia Collazo

Profile picture for Julia Collazo
Star of stage a screen, the notorious JCC

Steven Salisbury

Profile picture for Steven Salisbury
The best at being the worst

Quentin Neff

Profile picture for Quentin Neff
Often imitated, never duplicated

Oliver Gayle

Profile picture for Oliver Gayle
Jamaican Oli.

Jackie Wilson

Profile picture for Jackie Wilson
Salty, sweet, and conveniently pocket-sized.

charlotte cannon

Profile picture for charlotte cannon
As our intern, she's here to learn... or is it US who's learning from her?

Nicholas Sadler

Profile picture for Nicholas Sadler
Pushes all the buttons that keep this bucket of bolts flying